5 Temmuz 2009 Pazar

Protection from the mouth of the uterus Cancer Diseases

ANKARA UNIVERSITY FACULTY PROF. DR. DÜNDER: -''NEED FEMALE, and MALE, with more than one person by IN SEXUAL CONTACT, Rahim mouth cancer can improve pinch''

Ankara University (AU) Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı faculty member Prof. Dr. Ilkka Dünder, women and men with more than one person to sexual contact, oral cancer of the uterus to increase the catch rates reported.
Prof. Dr. Dünder, BŞK custom of the Kutahya Anadolu Hospital in the City Culture Palace and the''kutahya Health Days''event in the report, World Health Organization (WHO) data for women according to the most common type of cancer in the mouth of the womb to the world of cancer each year, approximately 500 thousand women have been caught for, he said.
Each year, approximately 280 thousand of women, died from cancer of the uterus that the Professor's mouth. Dr. Dünder, nearly 100 percent rate of this disease is causing the HPV'nin said.
Prof. Dr. Dünder, this virus is not only women, men pointed out that the impact of the world's 630 million people, 7-8 people, each one with a different expression of this virus was made to accept the move.
Many of these people usually do not give symptoms expressed HPV'den unaware that Prof. live. Dr. Dünder, şöyle devam etti:
HPV is spread largely by sexual contact''. However, a person from one of the other hand the theme of viruses, or other ways that people with scratches on the body can enter. In particular, two types of HPV, is responsible for 70 percent of cancer of the uterus mouth. Although many people have no symptoms HPV'yi taşıyan infected with these germs can. If necessary, women, and men, sexual contact with multiple people at the mouth cancer of the uterus can increase the catch rates. Odd to be accompanied, to use condoms during sexual relations and to make HPV vaccine, this disease may provide protection to the largely catch.''
The most important symptoms of cancer of the mouth of the uterus,''bad-smelling or bloody vaginal discharge, bleeding during and after sex, irregular vaginal bleeding,''adding that the Prof about. Dr. Dünder, the presentation of the women participating in the event then answered questions.
Faculty of Medicine Gynecology and Obstetrics AÜ Department faculty member Assoc. Dr. Bulent Berker the participants, gave information on the treatment of this disease and infertility.